Adoption status: Adopted! |
Hi! My name is Kaya. I was born March 26, 2015. I am a female pure bred Shiba Inu and I am in one of DC SIR’s foster homes. I was born to a family who hadn’t spayed or neutered my young parents and ended up with a small litter: Me, my sister, Momo, and my brother who went to live with family. My dad is a long haired red Shiba Inu and my mom is a petite black and tan. They are both very friendly towards people. Luckily, our human family found DC SIR to take us in and find us the BEST forever family we could ever dream of! I was brought up in a home with children too. I have been to the vet for my preliminary vaccinations. When DC SIR picked me up & brought me to Shiba HQ they noticed some eye gunk which was taken care of in our first days at Shiba HQ. So I got a pretty good start to life, now let me tell you more about me! The one week I’ve spent with DC SIR has been filled with excitement.I’ve played with all the other dogs, gone on outings, and visited pet stores. DC SIR says I’m a trusting and loving puppy but will let my sister explore new places first (gotta be safe right?). I learned how to climb up stairs after a couple days and with some help from my foster mom, I’m learning how to climb down too! I get so excited when people come into the room and I reach up my tiny arms to be picked up! I love giving kisses to everyone I meet. I was a bit nervous when my foster mom started to clip my nails (well, maybe SHE was nervous clipping black nails!) Once a friend held me and they clipped my nails, I didn’t protest at all. Plus I got yummy treats so it was cool! I even did great during bath time! I learn quick what is acceptable to chew on through rewards. But, I am having a difficult time with this potty training thing. See, my dad marked in the house and I guess we think it is ok too. But because my foster mom said she’s never seen so much pee from two little puppies, we’re going to get checked for a urinary tract infection.Other than my pottying indoors (which, we’re working on!), I’m just about perfect! I love all dogs I meet, the cats are great too and I stay away if they want me to, I have great bite inhibition and I share food and toys with all the puppies and dogs at Shiba HQ Ask DC SIR for resources on raising puppies!